So, I'm just happily emailing along the other day, and I need to arrange a conference call.
Now, usually, this is a simple matter of popping open Outlooks calendar, entering the name of the person I want to meet with, and clicking the Scheduling Assistant button up at the top.
In this case, however, no one I tried to enter would come back with free/busy information. I live in my calendar, and use it for time and billing tracking, so having inaccurrate information in there drives me to distraction.
A quick search on Google later, and I found this link: short, this is what it says:
This is a known "feature" by Outlook 2007 clients. To make a long story short, you can re-enable it via modifying the following registry tweak: under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options \Calendar add a the dword "UseLegacyFB" with the value 1 One quick registry edit, and I was back in business!